This Month
Tuesday: Oct 18, 2016
11:30 am
Check Meetup.com/OKC-js for location updates
About “Crypto: 500 BC - Present”
A 60-minute overview of The Code Book by Simon Singh, covering secrecy from ancient Greece to quantum cryptography. This is a cursory, high-level, mostly-non-mathematical survey of centuries of crypto - good as an intro to crypto for developers and non-devs alike.
About our Speaker
Luke Crouch
Web Developer for @mozilla, co-founder of @codesyio, collaborator on @tulsawebdevs, @codefortulsa, and @techlahoma; husband, dad; crossfit, homebrew, soccer fan
Follow Luke at @groovecoder!
Our Sponsors
Tasty lunch will be served thanks to Techlahoma and Robert Half.