This Month
Tuesday: Aug 08, 2017
11:30 am
1141 W. Sheridan Ave,
OKC, OK 73106
About “Double Javascript II : The Revenge”
We’re getting back to our roots with this meetup: It’s a double-header feature Jesse Harlin and Vance Lucas as the Javascript Dragon Warriors.
ES6 Templating and Echotag
Right now you’re probably underusing the raw dragon-power of es6 templates. Thankfully Vance has written a library that can bring your karate to the next level.
Apollo and GraphQL
You’ve heard of them, but what are they? Are they mysterious ninja assassins waiting to change how you handle data in your app? Maybe, we can’t answer that because you’ll have to join us in-person or online to find out.
What we can do is show you the roles of what Graph QL IS what it DOES and how to get you some. Then learn how to uppercut your next web app with some of the amazing pieces of technology that have built up around Graph Ql.
About our Speakers
[Vance Lucas]
Vance Lucas is a seasoned programmer with over 17 years of web programming experience dating back to 1998. Vance is a full stack polyglot programmer who currently uses JavaScript/node.js, PHP, and Ruby for most projects. Vance is the co-founder of the Techlahoma Foundation, Oklahoma City JavaScript User Group (OKC.js), and co-organizer of the annual ThunderPlains Developer Conference in Oklahoma City.
[Jesse Harlin]
Jesse is a business owner (simiancraft dev shop) and an experienced full-stack developer at the forefront of JavaScript and front-end technologies. He has a deep understanding of multiple programming languages, libraries, patterns, and software development process. He’s all about JavaScript, Synthesizers, and Amanda Harlin. @5imian + simiancraft.com
Our Sponsors
Tasty lunch will be served thanks to Techlahoma and Robert Half.
usergroup.location = StarSpace46;
StarSpace46 StarSpace46 is OKC’s premiere entrepreneurial & technology community hub.

1141 W Sheridan Ave, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73106

Get directions via Google maps.