This Month
Tuesday: Oct 17, 2017
11:30 am
1141 W Sheridan Ave
Oklahoma City, OK
About “Control the world with text!: making CLI tools with Node”
Let’s make a CLI in node! In this talk we’ll take a simple app and make a CLI tool for it. We’ll cover everything from making it executable, distribution, testing, and best practices.
More details coming soon!
About Ryan LaBouve
Product engineer at Envoy. Last seen on the internet. Usually spotted wearing a black shirt with jeans. Loves talking to people and having coffee with strangers.
Follow Ryan at @RyanLaBouve
Our Sponsors
Tasty lunch will be served thanks to Techlahoma and Robert Half.
usergroup.location = StarSpace46;
StarSpace46 is OKC’s premiere entrepreneurial & technology community hub.

1141 W Sheridan Ave, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73106

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