This Month
Tuesday: Dec 20, 2016
11:30 am
1141 W Sheridan Ave
Oklahoma City, OK
About “Lightning Talks”
Lightning Talks are a really fun event we put on every 3 months. Community members have 5 to 10 minutes to talk about JavaScript or topics related to JavaScript. We give preference to new speakers to strengthen our community. To participate: post your topic and presentation length.
Common talk themes include: problems you’ve solved, libraries you like, a cool blog post you read, something you’re working on now, or pretty much any other way you’re using JavaScript to achieve your goals.
Please note that marketing pitches are not allowed; lightning talks are a community enrichment event.
About our Speakers
Here is this month’s lineup!
What Meta Tags Your Site Should be Using (10 min) by Aaron Krauss
Node.js document models with Joi and Felicity (10 min) by Wes Tyler
Packaging Electron Apps for Windows + Adding in Auto Update Functionality (10 min) by Carmen Long