This Month
Meeting April 17, 2012 from 11:30am - 12:30pm at the <div> in Edmond, OK. Lunch will be provided!
Something for Everyone
Over the past few months, we’ve covered a variety of topics. We’ve seen javascript on the server, in the browser and even in your favorite image editor. This month, we are going to cover a topic that is important to anyone using javascript, no matter where you are working : functions !
Conjunction Junction! What’s your function()?!
An Entire Session on functions in JavaScript. Yep, you heard right, an hour full of bad jokes, horrible puns, internet memes, and completely unrelated references to school house rock. Oh and of course JavaScript. Join us on a magical journey from beginner to advanced to WTF (Whats that Function?!?). Along the way we will make super ultimate friends with hoisting, overloading, recursion, declaration, “type”, length, arguments, invocation and more. You’ve got a fever, and the only prescription is more functions! Now… take(your.medicine);