##This Month
Tuesday: Oct 21, 2014
11:30 am
401 NW 10th,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
##About “Thunder Plains”
Anyone who has been following OKC.js for long has heard of Thunder Plains and hopefully everyone got to go! If you missed out or were torn between two classes and cursed yourself for only being able to be in one place at a time, you should consider joining us as we review all the talks and activities that makes Thunder Plains so great.
Thunder Plains is a web and mobile developer conference put on by the organizers of OKC.js and founders of Techlahoma. Please visit thunderplainsconf.com to learn all about it. You may even compare how much our conference has grown from last year if you visit 2013.thunderplainsconf.com.
Lightning Talks Reminder
This November, we’ll be doing Lightning Talks. Lightning Talks is basically professional “show-and-tell.” If you’re interested in giving a 5-10 minute talk, please join our G+ community so you’ll be notified when signups are posted.
Our Sponsors
Meeting space is provided thanks to Prototek. These awesome folks are passionate about creating a vibrant maker space in Oklahoma City. We thank them for providing meeting space for user groups and events. Prototek is collaborating with Techlahoma to create a positive impact on our tech community, which is an epic win for everyone!
Tasty lunch will be served thanks to Techlahoma.
usergroup.location = Prototek;
Prototek Prototek is a maker, fabrication, civic hacker and creator space located in Mid-Town Oklahoma City.
![[700] [Prototek OKC]](/images/sponsors/prototek.png)
401 NW 10th St, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103
Get directions via Google maps.