Meeting: Jan 20 - RESTAngular / Leaflet

##This Month
Tuesday: Jan 20, 2015

11:30 am

401 NW 10th,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

##About “Intro to RESTAngular” w/ Amanda Harlin
Pretty self explanatory, don’t ya think?

##About “So tell me again why we’re not using Leaflet?” w/ Jordan Rousseau
Mapping and geo are a large part of what the folks at Weather Decision Technologies do every day. This is a quick intro into the world of web mapping as well as some cool things that can be done with Leaflet.

About our Speakers

Amanda Harlin

Amanda Harlin is a js dev, co-founder of Techlahoma, and co-organizer of Thunder Plains, OKC.js, and Nerdy Girls Code Club.

Jordan Rousseau

Jordan Rousseau is the web guy at Weather Decision Technologies. He’s a valued contributor at Code for OKC and his last name is a pain to spell.

Our Sponsors

Meeting space is provided thanks to Prototek. These awesome folks are passionate about creating a vibrant maker space in Oklahoma City. We thank them for providing meeting space for user groups and events. Prototek is collaborating with Techlahoma to create a positive impact on our tech community, which is an epic win for everyone!

Tasty lunch will be served thanks to Techlahoma.

usergroup.location = Prototek;

Prototek Prototek is a maker, fabrication, civic hacker and creator space located in Mid-Town Oklahoma City.

401 NW 10th St, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103

Get directions via Google maps.